Meditation -By Lalit Adhikari Basic and beginning of meditation: We should try to meditate at-least 20 minutes or longer everyday. Don't get bothered if you are not able to do it everyday. Just do it as many days as you can. Meditation is a very powerful technology for self-transformation and you can hardly do justice to them. I RECOMMEND YOU TO DO MEDITATION IN DIRECT GUIDANCE OF SOMEONE WHO IS A MASTER IN THIS FIELD. MOST PROBABLY, YOU CAN EASILY FIND SOMEONE IN YOUR AREA. BUT REMEMBER A MEDITATION TEACHER NEED NOT TO BE A GURU LIKE FIGURE WHOM YOU MUST SUBMIT. A meditation teacher can be like a coach or a spiritual buddy. Lets me first tell you the benefits of meditation: 1. Development of self-discipline: The ability to keep commitment and personal character. 2. An abiding state of concentration: Any skill or knowledge you want to learn or improve, will require concentration. 3. Cultivation of insight: Deep spiritual wisdom. Purificat...