Inspirational Quotes:

Quotes for Self

- Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

- Fear has two meaning:
F- Fear
E - Everything
A - And
R - Run
F - Face
E - Everything
A - And
R - Rise
The choice is yours!!!


- I maybe a work in progress, but everyday I get a little bit wiser, a little bit better and a little bit stronger.

- If you are reading this, that means you are ALIVE. Do you need a better reason to SMILE?

- If you want something that you have never had, then you have to do something you had never done.

- Its only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything.

- Keep moving forward and don't give a shit what anybody thinks. Just do what you have to do for you.

- Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.

- Never say sorry for being honest.

None can destroy iron,but its own rust can! Likewise none can destroy a person, but its own mind set can! OUR THOUGHTS CAN CHANGE OUR LIFE...

- Sometimes you just gotta look back at your past and smile at how far you have gotten.

- Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.

- The only person that can save you... is you!!!

- You must find a place inside yourself, where nothing is impossible.

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