Olive Bartlett - Real People To Get Inspired From

Real People to get inspired
- By Lalit Adhikari

Olive Bartlett:

First thing first, I'm just a fan and follower of Olive Bartlett, neither I'm writing this on her behalf nor she has any direct control over this blog.

Now if you have seen her facebook profile and if you don't know her, that wasn't a pic of Milla Jovovich, she was Olive Bartlett. They both look very similar... ;-) :-P

She was a student at The Australian Academy Of Hypnosis and in fact, currently Olive Bartlett is running her second business, Intracognition Hypnosis, which is a based on advanced hypnosis, therapy and reiki.
(YESSS!!!...that awesomely cute and lovely lady (^-^)! is not just all about beauty, she is what you might have only heard till now, "The Beauty With Brain!!!")
Here's some information about her business from here official page:
Advanced hypnosis.
- Weight loss
- Reduce smoking
- Depression/anxiety/stress
- Confidence building/self esteem
- Emotional conflicts
- Pain reduction
- Past/conflict resolution
- Fears/phobias, & more.

Pricing for hypnosis
$100 in person per session
$80 Online per session (over skype or facebook)

Therapy sessions
- $80 in person per session
- $50 online per session (Over skype or facebook)
Therapy can also be used in conjunction with hypnosis

In person only
$100 per session.

Packages also available.
All sessions run for approximately 45min - 1 hour.
(The information given above is subject to change as per Olive Bartlett. So, please refer to her official page link given above.)

Some info about her, again from her official page:
From a young age Olive has been studying the dynamics of our universe from the largest to the smallest including quantum psychics, the holographic fractal universe, micro organisms, nature, spirituality, ancient civilizations and the unexplained phenomena we encounter in this reality. 
A dedicated student to life Olive has experienced it all and has formed a wisdom from a very young age which astounds those who encounter her and now wishes to pass her knowledge, talents and creativity on to those who search for meaning and understanding in their own life's. 
Anyone looking for a fresh uplifting new way of looking at life will delight in booking a session with Olive Bartlett.

One of her view to clear bad image of hypnosis:
The majority of the population have a bad image of hypnosis due to movies and badly misinterpreted and non qualified "professionals", i also found the same misunderstanding when i was working with reptiles through my previous business. The confusion and misinformation is astounding, what also does not help in this profession is the amount of hybrids and con artists that come with it giving it a bad name (also found this in the reptile business). My training and life experience has come from deep within the ancient art and understanding of the universe complexities. Hypnosis is a wonderful calming experience which takes you to the core of your entire being and unleashes the super intelligence of your subconscious mind. Olive <3

Her social presence:
As The Spirit News on youtube.

Now, why she is here on my list of REAL PEOPLE TO GET INSPIRED?
Here's my answer: She is beautiful {no doubt about it ;-) }, had done modelling in past, is a hypnotist, running a business and a gamer too [Yes! It was a shock for me too!!!].
In short, you can say she is living a life which MOST PEOPLE ONLY DREAM OF LIVING.

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